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learning about life by creating

My name is Pamela, and I have a passion for creating something beautiful that did not exist before, and sharing it with others. When I am creating, I am fully in the moment. I love crafting with words, and working with mixed media and collages. Since I was a young girl, I have been fascinated by the concept of the collage: bringing together otherwise disparate elements into something new and aesthetically pleasing. Learning about life by creating.

Home: Welcome

A Minister by Any Other Name

I had a humorous interaction with my dental hygienist today in between the times she had instruments in my mouth.

Double Nickels

I suppose it is different for everyone—that age where mortality is a thing, and someday is here whether or not our grand plans tagged along.

Suck It Up

I bought a new stick vacuum cleaner. It has caused nothing short of a revolution.

MWF Seeking Silence

I think I am reading too much Merton this morning. Too much about quiet, solitude, humility, and poverty.

Living in Fast Forward

How sad that the "rewind" and "fast-forward" metaphors no longer elicit the physical, tangible movement of a tape wound upon a spool.

Seeking an Old English Sheepdog

I wish somebody would sit with me and help me focus. Like an Old English Sheepdog for my brain.

It's Not, Dr. Phil

Childhood fear is a funny thing. We see small fears in children as innocent and sometimes funny. But to a child, it can be terrifying.

On the Personality of Numbers

Whole numbers have a personality. Not many are aware of this presumptive fact.

Of Monkeys and Pigeons

I lay awake due to monkey brain, so I decided to begin reading Laudato Si' in order to fall back to sleep. Only it woke me more.

Fear Knocks, Love Answers

When I think back on the last six months, it seems that change has been the only constant.

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